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We love to help

Help with Smart Devices was inspired by my Grandma. She was having issues with her Smartphone, her tablet, and computer. She got frustrated! She no longer wanted anything to do with these devices. As a result, her world became smaller and that made her sad. I suggested we sit down together, to take the time to learn how to operate her devices, step by step. She agreed and our lessons began. I took the time to walk her through every stage, repeated the process a few times, and made notes so she could refer to them. Once she got the hang of her phone, it never left her side. Then we tackled her computer and tablet, where she was able to email, sort, view, and share her pictures and use Facebook to look for her friends all over the world. She went from a wilted daisy to a large blooming bouquet of roses


​She was so excited to catch up with her friends and family from Switzerland, follow them in their adventures, and share her own. Technology opened her world and she was so happy. Every day she started by connecting with others.  


​​My sweet Grandma was my inspiration to start this company to help others get the most from technology. In tears, she told me just how grateful she was that her world had opened up, I did not make her feel foolish or stupid for forgetting the steps. We simply went over them again and again, and we made notes that I could understand and follow, thank you.


She then said, you should use your knowledge, skills and patience to help others. That is exactly what I have done over the years with the creation of Help With Smart Devices.​​

In Honor

of The Best Grandma

in the World!

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